Are you a personal development enthusiast who wants to 10x their self worth?

What if you could re-program a subconscious belief that naturally UNLOCKS WEALTH and SUCCESS by developing unshakable self worth in just 5 minutes per day, with a top-rated Meditation and Breathwork expert?

Watch the video below to see why this program is better than others that cost $$$$!

Get INSTANT ACCESS to Step-By-Step Strategies And Guided Audios while YOU re-program your SELF WORTH

There is NO contract and NO minimum number of months. You can cancel at any time. 
Introducing, the I Am Enough Project

With the I Am Enough Project, feeling inadequate & alone are things of the past. You can build self-worth, ditch imposter syndrome, and improve your self image in a few months with doable exercises, reachable goals and accountability – without paying thousands of $$$, for courses, coaches, or programs to support you.

Let me know if this sounds familiar…

You find a manifestation / personal development program that promises to help you attract your dream body, partner or lifestyle in X days / weeks / months.


Excited and filled with fresh motivation, you sign up for the program. Paying with your hard earned money.




Upon starting the program you find that in order to get the results the program offers, you need to: yes, you guessed it, create new habits. Re-program the subconscious mind. Do meditations.


You think: Wait, I need to change my habits!? I hope I can do it. Can I?! Damn, it’s going to be difficult!


If you are anything like I used to be, this can be a real serious issue.


You have no problem starting new things and habits, but it’s the consistency after the novelty has worn off that’s the problem.


And yet…


You decide to go for it!


Maybe this time will be different?


You enjoy going hard at your new habits in the beginning, but after a few days you find that you start forgetting—the novelty has worn off…


Here’s the thing…


Even though this awesome program requires ‘only’ 30 minutes per day, you quickly find that 30 minutes is way too long. How are you supposed to dedicate half an hour of your already-rammed day, when you barely even have time to iron your clothes? (If you’re like me, you even go out of your way not to buy clothes that need to be ironed for that very reason.)


It all makes you feel tired before you even do the first visualisation exercise or meditation.


In fact…


You start finding reasoning to criticize the habit, doubting yourself and think about why it was such a waste of time.


And so, more often than not, you don’t get past day one. Even if you make it past the first week, the rigid schedule feels impossible to stick to. Other priorities soon take precedence and you find yourself shelving your goals and dreams.


A few days, weeks, or months later, you start the program again, (either the same one or a new one) but inevitably, you give up again.




I want you to know, it is not your fault.


Chances are, these programs either set expectations that aren’t realistic for your life right now, or they otherwise aren’t capable of meeting you where you’re at!


Why does this happen? You may ask…




When it comes to creating a habit based on changing your mind, you will find that the subconscious mind will resist you creating the habit. This is what makes it so hard to change and rewire your brain.

What if there was an effective program that you could actually stick with to the finish?

A program that if you finished, would really change your life…

That’s exactly why I created the I Am Enough Project, so that you can finally start and finish a powerful inner work program that can & will seriously change your life.

Hi, my name is Rome Naidoo and I am a Self Worth Mentor. I have guided hundreds of people through reprogramming their mind using affirmations, meditation and breathwork techniques. I am a qualified yoga, breathwork and meditation teacher with 10 years of experience in meditation techniques. I also facilitate compassion training in hospitals for medical students and healthcare professionals.

What exactly is the I Am Enough Project?

The I Am Enough Project is a 90-day Self Worth Program that Empowers YOU to Finish what You Start by incorporating:

  • A Proven Method to Massively Improve the Way You FEEL About Yourself & Your Life! (This will ORGANICALLY give you the energy and clarity to make the changes you desire)
  • A Guided & Supported Process to Activate Your Ability to Manifest & Feel Worthy Of Your Dreams! 
  • Super simple yet extremely powerful step by step strategy 
  • Short affirmation exercises (5 minutes per day!)
  •  WhatsApp Support Group with others, like you, who are pursuing ‘Enoughness’.
  •  Convenient access to Rome through WhatsApp (Ask & get real time guidance)
  •  Doable and fun guided audio exercises (also 5 minutes long!)
  •  Activity variety – Fun ways to reprogram your mind
  •  Shadow work strategies
  •  Habit creation strategies
  •  Motivation strategies
  •  Realistic expectations
  •  Invaluable group support

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there's more...


Bonus One

Energetic Alignment Fast Track Master Class

Program your energy field for abundance! Understand what happens in your energy field when you use affirmations.



Bonus two

I Am Enough Song
Music is a key method for accessing our emotional connection to the unconscious mind.

This will  bring an effortless and fun element into your subconscious reprogramming, while also making it WAY more effective!

The I Am Enough song


Bonus three

Self worth daily ritual guide

The more you embody ‘enoughness’ in your daily life, the deeper and more sustainable your self worth becomes. Including these daily habits into your life will significantly amplify your results.


* * * *

The I Am Enough Group Feedback is a beautiful testament to the power of the Project…

* * * * *

You see…


Right now, you’re struggling to make subconscious reprogramming a habit because you get overwhelmed by how difficult, time-consuming, and complicated it is within days (sometimes minutes) of starting.




maybe you really want to start reprogramming your mind, but you’re just not ready to invest a lot of money in an ongoing coaching program or other expensive program that gives you tools but no way to ensure it becomes habit.




Imagine if there was a low-cost, easy to implement program that makes self worth reprogramming simple and motivating?

You know those dreams you’ve had about taking that overseas trip, starting that project, or of finding deep authentic confidence in yourself?


A month or two from now, not only could you be planning and moving towards that dream but you could also be feeling more energized and even more positive about life. (And who couldn’t use a little mood boost these days??)


In other words, in 90 days, you can be feeling WORTHY inside and out – without having to hire a coach, do a course, or spend a ton of money.




when you FEEL truly worthy / enough, all of a sudden we are open to receive everything we want.




because you will know deeply, in your mind and body…


that you deserve it! ☀️

Ready to make this happen?

* * * * * *


Joining The I Am Enough Project is $50 per month. This gives you access to all of the resources and support that we offer—the full package.

When you join The I Am Enough Project, you will get access to our online community, exclusive resources and support, monthly challenges, and much more. You will also be able to connect with like-minded individuals who are committed to helping you succeed.

If you are not ready to join The I Am Enough Project, we understand. However, we encourage you to explore our website and see all of the valuable resources and support that we offer. We also encourage you to sign up for our email list so that you can stay up-to-date on all of the latest news and developments.

Still unsure? I’m so confident in this program, that I’m willing to give you your money back, should you truly feel that you haven’t benefited after 90 days! Why? This isn’t really a gamble for me, because I KNOW this program works… I have watched it work for people from all walks of life; including myself!

If you join the I Am Enough Project today…

You’ll gain access to Rome and the I Am Enough Support Group – 50% off the typical price of the project, PLUS all of the bonuses! Here’s a recap of everything you’ll receive:
  • Subconscious Reprogramming Support Group $25
  • + Accountability And Reminders $50
  • + Access To Rome Via Chat And Voice Notes $100
  • BONUS 1: Energetic Alignment FastTrack Masterclass $150
  • BONUS 2: The I Am Enough Subconscious Reprogramming Song $10
  • BONUS 3: Self Worth Daily Ritual Guide $30
  • + step by step proven strategy (only 5 mins per day) $60
  • + Habit creation strategies $20
  • + Motivation strategies $30

WOw! that’s a total value of $485!!



But how much do YOU pay today?

Well, from 1/1/2023 this membership will be priced at just $50 per month! 


But if you act now, you can still get the pre-launch deal PLUS early access to all the materials,


For only $50 $25!!!


Act now before we take this crazy offer down!

Join the I Am Enough Project risk free!


If you aren’t satisfied after 90 days, I will refund you 100%. See guarantee…